support the biswell's

Curtis and Valerie have served and been a part of church ministry in some capacity for almost 20 years. After many hills and valleys in the last year, the one thing has been evident, that God has orchestrated every single detail.

Over the past few months, Curtis had several employment opportunities, but God made it clear to not take them. While they seemed secure in the moment,  Curtis and Valerie were sure that none of them were in God's plan for them. Instead of leading them toward safety, it felt like He was leading them toward faith.

Curtis has supported multiple church plants through the years through his work with Worship Catalyst. However, Curtis and Valerie had never felt called to work in one directly. But that has now changed! God has led them to be apart of 2 or More Church.  At 2 or More, Curtis serves as the worship pastor and executive pastor.

Here is the mission:
To develop called worshippers in character and competence for the local churches and communities of Kansas City. This is a gigantic need! We have more churches starting all over this region and there are not near enough worship leaders ready to serve them.

How it will be accomplished:
Curtis will be working through three networks...2 or More Church, Kansas Christian College, and Collective KC. Each of these networks gives him a unique platform to find and develop worshippers in and for local churches.

Here is the need:
While a portion of Curtis's salary will be paid as he takes on this new venture, much of it will need to be raised by him and Valerie.  If you feel led to support them financially click the button below. Or if you would like to connect with them to find out more, click the "contact" button.